Own Your Birth

Master Your Recovery

Real answers, real help, and support from a team of providers dedicated to YOU.

Bundle and Save Hundreds

BUNDLE: Get the ENTIRE Library (6 Courses)

You’ll get lifetime access, so start now or whenever works for your schedule. Access 24/7 on any device, and learn how to prep for birth and recover in less than 5 min per day.

Elevate Your Birth

(Positive Pregnancy Test - Birth)

Everything that’s missing. Birth is not “on the job training”. Prepare your body for the best outcomes, feel confident, and stop the overwhelm. You deserve better.

Partner Guide

(Birth Prep for your partner)

The last thing you’ll want to do in the delivery room is be in charge of your partner while giving birth.  This  course will allow your partner to handle the details, help with pain relief, and understand your birth plan so you can focus on delivering your baby.

The Early Days

(Birth - 6 weeks postpartum)

Crucial information to set your recovery up RIGHT from day 1. No more waiting in pain and confusion until your 6 week postpartum visit. Start immediately and have less pain, improved healing, and a faster recovery.

Postpartum Power

(6 weeks and beyond)

Motherhood is hard. PostPartum shouldn’t have to be. Learn a clinically proven program to help you heal your body and pelvic floor. Stop leaking, improve prolapse symptoms, have better sex, and get back to the life you love.

Return to Running

(For Pregnant and Postpartum Runners)

Get back into running without leaking, pain, or pressure.  Learn expert-led strategies and targeted exercises to rebuild strength and confidence so you can enjoy running without limitations.

Return to Sex

(If getting back to getting busy is uncomfortable)

Here’s where you will get answers and information about WHY sex is painful. And no, it’s not “normal” and no you don’t have to “just deal with it.”  Learn specific exercises and positions designed to help your pelvic floor lengthen and release, as well as communication tips with your partner so sex is more comfy.